RSA Networks Exchange last night


  • Social networks

Now, thanks to the miracles of modern technology I’m able to continue posting my blog while out of the office. But I wanted to publicly thank Laura Bunt in particular from the Networks team, who did such a stunning job of organizing last night’s event.

Andy Gibson FRSA also made an excellent job of facilitating and I was gratified to see so many staff members turn out to support the RSA Networks Exchange initiative.

There were many ideas buzzing around and the event reinvigorated a lot of Fellows following on from the event we had in November.

This is a perfect example of what Networks is about – it’s about bringing Fellows together, both virtually and in ‘real life’ to develop effective networks for delivering (and dealing with) positive social change.

There were a number of excellent projects proposed, and people were asked to make commitments as to how they would take these ideas forward. So here’s one from me. I think that we should commit to holding a similar event (around the country) at least once a month.

I’d love to hear from more of you who would like to be involved in an exchange event, or for those who attended, ways in which you think this event could be more effective.

What would be great is if, together, we could create a culture of collaboration, in which people with similar ideas could develop one fantastic project, taking the best elements of what each person has to offer. A sort of open source project for social change, which takes as it’s premise that no one person has all the answers or bright ideas, and that we all have something to share and learn.

Again, well done to the team who made this event happen and in particular to the Fellows who showed such commitment and enthusiasm last night!

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