Holding Pattern

Blog 2 Comments

I've just returned from a week's holiday refreshed and ready to go.

The new website is up and running beautifully, with only a couple things still to be sorted out. One of which is my blog. Currently we're still using Typepad (obviously) but soon this blog will be accessed directly through our website.

In order to facilitate the process of transferring my blog archive over to the new site I've decided to put a hold on the blogging. I will post a message to let regular visitors and subscribers know when we're up and running with the new site later this week.

In the meantime Ewan McIntosh has highlighted the new website in his blog - so many thanks for that, and also for all your help and support!

I hope you're all enjoying the new site.

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  • Justin Webb has jut written of Obama v Clinton:

    "He offers self-help and self-improvement. She offered a plan to make America better - he offers a plan to make Americans themselves better."

    An interesting aside in the 'pro social agenda'

  • It's been a pleasure, and I can't wait to get my teeth stuck into some more education stuff in my capacity as a Fellow. The more I look at the RSA's Opening Minds, the more I see in common with the way things could/should/are going (depending on your point of view) in Scotland. Lessons have been learned which we can put to good use in the RSA's programmes. In the meantime, roll on the video of Ken Robinson once he's paid a visit to the House. Wish I could be there :-(

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