Palestine Inside Out


On Thursday, we have another interesting debate in our lunchtime series, with Saree Makdisi, Professor of English and Comparative Literature at UCLA.

Both Saree Makdisi (nephew of Edward Said) and the chair, Ghada Karmi, a UK academic based at the Institute of Arab & Islamic Studies have written in support of a one-state solution. The conversation will be focused on the human stories and everyday challenges for Palestinians.

Last week we had the “official” voice of Arab diplomacy – Marwan Muasher, at the heart of the peace process for over 20 years and enjoyed a very open and constructive debate with the audience, something I hope will be repeated this week.

I know a few of you have concerns that we are not putting up an ‘Israeli’ respondent, but we hope to explore the opposing viewpoint at an event in the autumn, and there will be no censoring of any questions from the audience.  Please do come!

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