London 2012 & the retreat from the ideal of mass sporting participation


I have written in the past on my dismay at the retreat from the ideal that London 2012 foster a surge in sporting participation in the capital

Today Sport England has released figures showing that the number of adults taking part in sport had increased across the UK. It is great news that over half a million more people are taking part in sport since we won the Olympic bid. However, there is the worrying news that the number of people regularly taking part in sport in London has stagnated at a million. After all it is London’s Games and all things being equal London should lead the way. There are specific challenges that London faces in its attempt to achieve the vision of an Olympic legacy of mass participation, challenges that need a multi-faceted approach. The RSA is testing out a new bottom up, pro-social approach, which I hope to be able to talk about in more detail soon.

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