A short post from a distracted man


This is a very busy week for the RSA what with the President's lecture tonight by Richard Florida, the launch of our new Action and Research Centre, the launch of a pamphlet by my colleague Adam Lent on the millennials and their aspirations and my annual lecture. So the purpose of this tiny post is only to draw your attention to my piece in the Observer yesterday summarising part of the argument in my annual lecture which – were you so inclined you could watch live on Wednesday at 6.00.

This is a very busy week for the RSA what with the President's lecture tonight by Richard Florida, the launch of our new Action and Research Centre, the launch of a pamphlet by my colleague Adam Lent on the millennials and their aspirations and my annual lecture. So the purpose of this tiny post is only to draw your attention to my piece in the Observer yesterday summarising part of the argument in my annual lecture which – were you so inclined you could watch live on Wednesday at 6.00.

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