RSA Animate - Drive

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  • Behaviour change
  • Health & wellbeing
  • Social innovation

Daniel Pink provides concrete examples of how intrinsic motivation functions both at home and in the workplace. View a video of Dan Pink's talk at the RSA that inspired this animation. Download a transcript of this video (pdf).

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  • This video
    is so right on that we use it in our interviewing process. We ask each of our
    potential executives/consultants to view the video, review our core values from
    our website and then write out how they think they fit with our values. Although
    phrased differently, our core values are based on Autonomy, Mastery, Propose
    and Connectedness.

    Some people
    have looked at the video, reviewed our core values and then left. Never to be
    heard of again.  Others have completed
    the assignment, but their write-up showed that they didn't really get it. Most
    however have said that they loved how well the video articulated their real motivations.

    We feel that
    cultural fit is the biggest determinate of long term success.  This video helps us directly address the
    conversation of cultural fit.


    Art Saxby

    Chief Outsiders

  • Is there any way to have an RSA animation of a speach done? I work for a prof who would love to have one of his talks animated.

  • The two coolest sites Ive ever been on are RSA and TED.

  • I reveiwed this first thing today, 5:15am with my 1st cup of coffee.
    My day was made better by this bit of inspiration and elightenment.
    It's review time where I work and I'll be incorporating some of this into my discussions, not to test the theorys, as I believe they are sound, but rather to let my team know I care and that I'll do my best to ensure they feel a bit more autonomus, they are to a degree masters of their situation and that feel what they do has purpose.
    Thank you for the topic review.

  • It's nice that you are able to open a debate on this with a specific example. Thanks for the contribution.