Heritage Exchange 2014: Forging the next generation of heritage thinking

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  • Social innovation

A note from Dame Jenny Abramsky, Chair of the Heritage Lottery Fund

I am delighted that so many colleagues from across all the aspects of heritage we serve are able to join us at Heritage Exchange 2014 on 14 and 15 July.

During my time as Chair of the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), meeting leaders and practitioners in differing fields has shown me that colleagues from different parts of the heritage have a lot to share and offer each other – but are rarely able to take time to meet and think together about the challenges we face.

That is why, in partnership with the RSA, we are staging Heritage Exchange, an event which will bring senior people from a wide range of backgrounds – including from outside the heritage world and from local government –together to exchange ideas about the future. I am also delighted that we have been able to offer ten places – which were hotly competed for with excellent submissions – to early career researchers, who will help forge the next generation of heritage thinking.

In my former working life I saw the tangible benefit that events like this really can have. The Royal Television Society bi-annual Cambridge Convention has become an occasion where the industry learns about the way its world is changing and discusses ideas for change. The Minister regularly makes announcements that re-shape the industry. I have no doubt the event has helped to raise the profile of the broadcasting industry in political circles over its history. It has struck me that heritage doesn’t have anything similar – but perhaps we need it.

I will very much value your involvement in the discussion. With a combination of thought-provoking speakers and some exciting new research to highlight, Heritage Exchange 2014 will help us collectively consider the way ahead. Do go to www.heritageexchange.co.uk to view blogs, papers and provocations ahead of Heritage Exchange.

You will be able to view Heritage Exchange via live streaming below on 14 and 15 July, if you are unable to attend in person. You will also be able to get in touch on the day via Twitter using the hashtag #HeritageExchange or @heritagelottery

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