Build a place-based programme

Build a Place-based programme

Our programme supports you to take an active role in shaping the learning ecosystem in your city or region.

About our place-based programme

It creates a framework to engage and connect employers and providers with learners. Our programme improves the learning ecosystem in your area through:

Digital badging

A smart, simple, and visual way of recognising non-accredited learning.

Learning pathways

A process and platform to connect badges that help learners progress to their goals.

Platform and leadership training

Strategic and engagement support to help you build your programme.

Benefits of joining

Joining our programme will enable you to:

  • support employability outcomes for hard-to-reach groups
  • evidence and encourage cultural and civic participation
  • create pathways to fill skills gaps in growth industries
  • prepare young people for the future of work
  • join up provision in your area to better address local skills problems.


To join our programme, you need to:

  • have at least £60,000 to set up and start running your programme (we actively seek matched funding opportunities to support places to join)
  • have relationships with learning providers and employers in your area
  • provide the people and resources needed to deliver your programme.

Support available

We will provide the support, tools and training you need to establish and grow your programme. This includes services, product and network support:

Services support examples

  • team training in badging, issuing, platform onboarding
  • leadership mentoring
  • research and consultation
  • badging strategy development
  • engagement strategy
  • pathways development
  • national partnerships
  • impact evaluation.

Product support examples

  • digital badging licences
  • licences for Navigatr app.

Network support examples

  • engagement events
  • knowledge sharing events
  • badge template sharing
  • fundraising support.


Contact us

Email us to find out how you can join Cities of Learning in your city or region.

When you email, please include your:

  • city or region
  • name and position, and the name of your organisation
  • approximate budget.

Other ways to get involved

Create digital badges and learning pathways

Help learners articulate the skills, knowledge and experience they develop through your activities.

Join our place-based learning network

Join our network to share and celebrate insights from learning practitioners across the UK and the globe.

Fund Cities of Learning

Boost the UK’s learning and development ecosystem by funding Cities of Learning.