The New Industrial Revolution

Public talks


RSA House, London

  • Making
  • Manufacturing

The FT’s Peter Marsh explores the set of new forces influencing the business of making things – and the implications and opportunities for consumers and British manufacturers.


RSA Thursday

A set of new forces are giving a new impetus to the business of making things, with the potential to revitalise many parts of global manufacturing and in particular increase the possibilities for manufacturing in high cost countries.

One of the biggest beneficiaries of the changes could be Britain.

Join the FT’s Peter Marsh at the RSA as he explores this new industrial revolution, and considers the implications for consumers making purchase choices, and for manufacturers assessing how to participate successfully in the new industrial era.

Speaker: Peter Marsh, manufacturing editor, Financial Times and author of 'The New Industrial Revolution'.

Chair: Julian Thompson, director of enterprise, RSA.


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