The Power To Act: A new angle on our toughest problems

Public talks


RSA House, London

  • Institutional reform

Matthew Taylor argues that a power deficit is at the heart of some of the world's most complex and pressing problems, and proposes an ambitious new framework in his 2012 Chief Executive's Annual Lecture.


Chief Executive's Annual Lecture 2012

From caring for an ageing population and tackling unemployment, to preventing climate change and promoting social mobility, it seems we have lost faith in our collective ability to tackle important social challenges. We have become disillusioned by the absence of substantial progress on these and so many other issues, and polls shows our faith in politicians is at a record low. Where do we go from here?

RSA Chief Executive Matthew Taylor argues that there is a fundamental imbalance in the major forces of power which drive progress in the modern world. Until we understand and start to address this power deficit, we will only tinker around the margins of issues which impact deeply on our lives and which belie the values we hold.

Speaker: Matthew Taylor, chief executive, RSA

Chair: Jenni Russell, writer, commentator and broadcaster

Read Matthew Taylor's article on Comment is Free

Party conferences: where are the big solutions our big problems call for?

Read Matthew Taylor's piece in the Autumn RSA Journal

Power Failure

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