How to Change Education - from the ground up

Public talks 1 Comments


RSA House, London

  • Education
  • Creativity
  • Further education
  • Higher education
  • Schools
  • Teaching
  • Behaviour change

World-renowned educationalist Sir Ken Robinson delivers the long-awaited follow-up to his now legendary Changing Education Paradigms talk.


In Sir Ken Robinson’s now legendary 2008 talk at the RSA, he talked about the problems inherent in our current approaches to education, and the need to change from an industrial to an agricultural model. Towards the end of the talk he touched on the need to create new conditions for growth and development.

In this long-awaited follow-up talk, Robinson will pick up from where he left off, and outline exactly what those conditions are. He will address the fundamental economic, cultural, social and personal purposes of education, and argue that education should be personalised to every student’s talent, passion, and learning styles, and that creativity should be embedded in the culture of every single school.

Chair: Matthew Taylor, RSA chief executive.

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