NHS at 65: rejuvenate or retire?

Public talks


RSA House, London

  • Health & wellbeing
  • Institutional reform
  • Public services

The NHS turns 65 this year at a time of significant change and unprecedented financial challenge. The RSA and the Nuffield Trust bring together panel of influential thinkers from the health sector and beyond to debate whether it is time for the NHS to be retired off or whether there is scope for reinvention.


While the public consistently expresses strong support for the NHS, increasingly tough questions are being asked about whether or not the NHS can continue to deliver high quality, productive care at a time of financial austerity and rising demand for services.

The debate, held just days before the NHS’ 65th anniversary, will bring together influential thinkers from the health sector and beyond to debate whether it is time for the NHS to be retired off or whether there is scope for reinvention.

Speakers to include: Rt Hon Alan Milburn, former cabinet minister and secretary of state for health (1999-2003); Rt Hon Baroness Williams of CrosbyProfessor Raymond Tallis, physician, poet and cultural critic, Polly Toynbee, journalist, author and Guardian columnist and Rt Hon Stephen Dorrell MP, former secretary of state for health (1995 – 1997) and chair of the health select committee.

Chair: Matthew Taylor, RSA chief executive.

Lecture Twitter archive: after the event, we make a pdf containing all the tweets associated with this event's hashtag available for download. Come back to access this.


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