Freedom, Equality and a Future Political Economy: the structural change we need

Public talks


RSA House, London

  • Economics and Finance
  • Institutional reform
  • Philosophy

Influential political theorist and philosopher Roberto Mangabeira Unger asks: where have both the free market right and the social democratic left gone wrong? What are the fundamental economic, political and social institutions we need? And how do we go about making them?


Roberto Mangabeira Unger is an internationally influential social and political theorist and philosopher. A former minister of Strategic Affairs in the Brazilian government, he is a prolific author of works of social theory, legal, political and economic thought, and philosophy, in which he develops a profound theory of self and society. As the Roscoe Pound Professor of Law at Harvard University, he has taught many of the US and world elite, including President Barack Obama.

In a special event at the RSA, Roberto Unger asks: where have both the free market right and the social democratic left gone wrong? What are the fundamental economic, political and social institutions we need? And how do we go about making them?

Speaker: Roberto Magabeira Unger, philosopher, social and political theorist and Roscoe Pound professor at Harvard Law School.

Chair: Anthony Painter, Director of the Independent Review of the Police Federation, and author of Left without a future? Social Justice in Anxious Times.


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