What Does it Mean to Be a Citizen at Work?

Public talks


RSA House, London

  • Employment
  • Enterprise
  • Institutional reform
  • Leadership

In his 2013 Chief Executive’s Lecture, Matthew Taylor will focus on good employment, and how to move this from an idea with general support but very mixed take-up into something which is available to all employees and supported by wider society.


What Does it Mean to Be a Citizen at Work? Better employment for the 21st century

Nearly everyone agrees that employee engagement is good for both people and business, yet we remain stuck in anachronistic relationships between employers and employees - a model in which disengagement and low productivity prevail.

Matthew Taylor’s
annual Chief Executive’s lecture will address this institutional failure by setting employee engagement within a broader concept of better employment. By implementing robust standards for engagement, accountability, transparency and redress, we can recast the employer/employee relationship and make better employment a national strategic priority.

Respondent: Wendy Cartwright, former HR Director, Olympic Delivery Authority.

Chair: David MacLeod co-chair, Employee Engagement Task Force.

Read the full text of Matthew Taylor's lecture.


With support from Wates Giving


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