Dereliction to Design Awards

Public talks


RSA House, London

  • Architecture & built environment
  • Circular economy
  • Design
  • Communities
  • Environment

Bicentenary Medal Event - Susan Woodward OBE explains how re-designing urban environments sparks dynamism and connectivity.


The Space and Sharp Projects are production hubs for the creative and digital media industries, where space, power, connectivity and people converge. As part of a move to rescue and repurpose derelict buildings to create employment and enterprise opportunities in the North West, these projects have helped in regenerating some of the urban areas worst affected by the recent economic downturn. Founding director Susan Woodward explains how Manchester is re-designing urban environments to create more vibrant and resilient cities.

Susan Woodward is recipient of the 2014 Bicentenary Medal for using design to transform the creative economy and build more resilient communities.

The RSA Bicentenary Medal was instituted in 1954 to commemorate the founding of the RSA over two hundred years earlier, and has been awarded annually to a variety of individuals for their outstanding contributions to the advancement of design in industry and society. Since 2009 it has been awarded to a person who has made an outstanding contribution through the use of design to increase the resourcefulness of people and communities.


Venue: RSA Great Room Auditorium