Wasted Youth

Public talks


RSA House, London

  • Employment
  • Education
  • Higher education
  • Youth engagement

Disenchanted, de-politicised and apathetic – do we misrepresent Britain’s young people at our peril?

Young people growing up in Britain today face an unstable and narrowing job market, crippling housing costs and the prospect of far less fiscal security than their parents. Their optimism about social change is coupled with a cynicism about large, outmoded political institutions, and as ‘digital natives’ they are the first generation to grow up with the internet. We read damning stories in the press, but what do we really know about the values, talents, and aspirations of our young people?

Georgia Gould, Labour Party Councillor for Kentish Town, and ‘apostle and advocate for her generation’ visits the RSA to call for a new social contract. She will show that far from being the indifferent, disengaged problem they are often portrayed as, young people in Britain have the passion, the creativity and the will to answer the many challenges we face. 

Speaker: Georgia Gould, Labour Party Councillor for Kentish Town

Venue: Durham Street Auditorium