Teaching to Make a Difference

Public talks 1 Comments


Great Room Auditorium, RSA House

  • Education
  • Schools
  • Teaching


We know that the quality of teaching is the biggest determinant of a young person’s success at school. How can we support teachers to keep improving throughout their careers? What does the very best teacher training and professional development look like? And how do we ensure that it is designed for maximum impact on the education and life chances of those who need it most?

In recent months, the government has announced a new set of standards for teacher professional development. The new standards highlight the need to expand the provision of high-quality, relevant professional development opportunities beyond existing pockets of excellence. They also emphasise the fact that the key aim of teacher development, and the key measurement of its effectiveness, is the impact it has on pupil achievement.

At the RSA, our expert panel assess the rationale for, and likely impact and implications of, the new standards, and share their insights into designing and delivering cutting-edge professional development with the potential to transform outcomes for students, especially in areas of greatest disadvantage.


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