The New Digital Learning Age

Public talks


Great Room Auditorium, RSA House

  • Skills
  • Cities
  • Technology


RSA President’s Lecture

The rapid pace of technological innovation has an enormous impact on the economy and society. Spreading the gains of technological progress calls for significant system change in education, work and wider learning, to ensure that everyone has access to the power, resources and opportunities to work, create, connect and learn.

In his President’s Lecture for 2016, Simon Nelson will explore how increasing access to education, delivered online in a flexible way, can help towards addressing some of the world’s future needs. He will suggest the transformation that needs to take place to make the education system fit for purpose, and outline new approaches to emerging societal challenges that will ensure generations of learners are inspired, engaged and empowered.

The event will be introduced by Kenneth Olisa OBE, HM Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London and Vikki Heywood CBE, RSA Chairman.

Founded by The Open University in 2013, FutureLearn is the UK’s leading social learning platform.


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