Together is Better

Public talks


Great Room Auditorium, RSA House

  • Creative Institutions and Systems
  • Behaviour change
  • Leadership

What are you going to do with your life? What are you doing with your life now? Do you have goals? A vision? A clear sense of why you do what you do?

Many of us will have grappled with at least one of these questions. The path to follow into an as yet unknown future can often seem uncertain, but one way to increase our chances of building a successful career and happy life is to make the journey with others we trust.

Best-selling author and TED talk sensation Simon Sinek is fascinated by the people that make the greatest impact in their organisations, and in the world. He has discovered some remarkable patterns in how they think, act and communicate, and the environments in which people operate at their natural best.

In his new book Together is Better Simon Sinek has distilled many of these insights into a series of inspiring reflections on relationships, trust, teamwork, and what it means to each play our part in creating and building a shared vision and project.

Join Simon Sinek at the RSA to find out how more of us can go home from work feeling fulfilled by what we do, and inspired by what we can achieve with others.

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