RSA President's Lecture: The Technologist’s Dilemma

Public talks

 -  | GMT Standard Time

Great Room Auditorium, RSA House

  • Economics and Finance
  • Public services
  • Social justice
  • Technology

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Places for the President’s Lecture have now been allocated by RSA Fellow ballot. However, you can access the event online by watching our live webcast.

It’s no secret that technology companies are changing the world. But as technology plays a larger role in key social institutions we value and revere—from healthcare to electoral politics—guaranteeing a positive impact on society has become far more complex than many in the sector ever imagined.

Politicians and commentators alike have reflected that the Internet has brought us far from the “more humane and fair civilization” John Perry Barlow's 1996 Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace promised. And now, the industry must wrestle with the ramifications of its actions and the proper recourse.

What responsibilities do technology companies that have an impact on society have to uphold the public interest and engage with the people they serve? How has an industry that was built on standing up for individual rights become detached from society’s needs and preferences? Are there any models of governance that have successfully ensured corporations align with the public good and are held accountable for their actions?

In his 2017 RSA President’s Lecture, Mustafa Suleyman, co-founder and Head of Applied AI at DeepMind, argues for up-ending the processes by which technology is developed and deployed, and proposes new ways to ensure it contributes to greater economic and social justice around the world.

The event will be introduced by HRH The Princess Royal, RSA President and Vikki Heywood CBE, RSA Chairman. 

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