A Whole School Approach to Mental Health

Public talks


Great Room Auditorium, RSA House

  • Education
  • Schools
  • Behaviour change
  • Mental health

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A Millennial Cohort study, published in 2012, found that 1 in 10 children aged between 5 and 16 have a diagnosed mental health problem, whilst around 30% of adolescents are estimated to have mild to moderate mental illness, meaning they regularly feel sad, down or low. 

Child and adolescent mental health occupies news headlines almost daily. The issue was identified as one of the “burning injustices” of our time by the Prime Minister during her first Downing Street address. Whilst the problem has been rising up the political agenda in recent years, parents, carers and children alike have been demanding more and better access to services due to increased need, but also due to acute service pressure.

The resulting impact is being felt acutely by schools. In response, over the last 12 months, the RSA has aimed to develop a ‘whole-school’ approach to mental wellbeing across the family of RSA Academies, based in West Midlands.  Engaging with school leaders and an expert advisory board, targeted mental health training has been delivered to every adult in contact with children in the schools, not just teaching staff.

Join an expert panel at the RSA as they assess the trial’s findings, and share the latest insights and perspectives on how best to support young people’s mental wellbeing, and to develop resilient and mentally healthy ‘whole-school’ cultures.