How Young People are Changing the World

Public talks


Great Room Auditorium, RSA House

  • Education
  • Adolescence
  • Creativity
  • Skills
  • Youth engagement

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How can we break pernicious stereotypes of young people and unleash their power to transform communities?

News stories paint a picture of young people as narcissistic and lazy at best, knife-wielding and dangerous at worst. But new research from the RSA suggests that, if we’re not careful, we’re in danger of pushing young people to live out these stereotypes rather than supporting them to act on the innate desire to help others that so many of them share.

As the RSA launches its latest report ‘Teenagency: how young people are changing the world’, which reveals the continued gulf between public perceptions and the reality of young people’s experiences and aspirations, we explore how to give every young person, from every background, the opportunity to engage in the kinds of social action that meet their altruistic impulse and creative potential. This is critical to delivering the “double benefit” of helping them develop personally, while making a positive difference to their community.


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