Reweaving the Fabric of Society

Public talks


Great Room, RSA House

  • Communities
  • Rawthmells
  • Leadership
  • Social innovation

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Albert Medal Lecture

Reweaving the Fabric of Society: The unfinished story of Citizens UK, Civil Society, Democracy and Power


The 2018 Albert Medal is awarded to Neil Jameson for services to community organising for the common good.

Over the last 30 years Citizens UK has trained and supported over 5,000 civic leaders in what it calls ‘the art of politics in action’.

This has led to one of the most significant developments in politics and public life since the creation of the Welfare State – thousands of citizens organising together, permanently, for the Common Good.

All this has been possible without a penny from local or national government. It has also delivered the largest and most diverse alliance of Organised people and their institutions in the UK.

Neil Jameson’s Albert Medal address will summarise this story. It will focus on the universals for radical change that apply to any organisation or business with an ambition to organise for a fairer and more relational world.

The Citizens 30-year story would be impossible without a growing number of brilliant people choosing the revived vocation of Citizens Organising and the Philanthropic Community investing in them. The search for more is relentless and continues.

The RSA Albert Medal is awarded for innovation in the fields of creativity, commerce and social improvement. 


To celebrate the opening of the RSA’s new coffeehouse, Rawthmells, we’re bringing together a series of powerful conversations and sharing the best ideas on some of the challenges we face as a society in the next decade and beyond.

Explore the full calendar of events and join the conversation.


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