Basic Income as Common Dividends

Public talks


Great Room, RSA House

  • Economic democracy
  • Economics and Finance
  • Public Services & Communities

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In a new report presented to the Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, Dr Guy Standing sets out how Basic Income could become a UK reality.

Guy Standing has promoted the concept of basic income for many years and is a world authority on the subject.

In his new report “Basic Income as Common Dividends: Piloting a Transformative Policy”, Dr Standing deals comprehensively with common objections to basic income but importantly moves the debate on to the question of pilot schemes, how to design them and where they should be carried out.

An effective pilot has the ability to demonstrate the strengths or shortcomings of a basic income scheme. Pilots have been tried in many countries, most recently in Finland and the Netherlands. Now, Dr Standing argues, it is the UK’s turn.

Guy Standing and John McDonnell MP will be joined at the RSA launch by Margaret Greenwood MP, Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary; Ed Miliband MP, former Labour leader and Caroline Abrahams, Director, Age UK.

The research and production of the report has been supported by the Progressive Economy Forum (PEF). 

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