There Is No Planet B

Public talks


Durham Street Auditorium, RSA House

  • Sustainability
  • Behaviour change
  • Climate change

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Climate change, biodiversity, feeding the world, plastics - the list of environmental concerns seems endless. Given the global nature of the challenges we now face, what on Earth can any of us do?

Should we frack? Should we fly? Do we all need to become vegetarian? What about population growth? Faced with so many pressing environmental questions and dilemmas, and a sense that time’s rapidly running out to make a difference, it’s no wonder that for many people this all adds up to a feeling of despair and paralysis.

But with perspective and a plan, there are things we can do. Sustainability expert Mike Berners-Lee joins us at the RSA to offer a big-picture look at the environmental and economic challenges ahead, and a practical course of action to get us started.

Join us to find out what we all can do to help humanity thrive on this - our only - planet. 

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