Our Future in the Land

Public talks


The Great Room, RSA House

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RSA Food, Farming and Countryside Commission: Final Report Launch

Since launching in November 2017, the independent RSA Food, Farming and Countryside Commission has sought to think afresh about the UK’s food, farming and countryside.

We have worked with farming and food businesses, public health and citizens groups, environment and economics experts and many more to understand how we can respond more effectively and urgently to global and domestic challenges, from climate change to spiralling diet-related ill health.

The actions we take in the next ten years, to stop ecosystems collapse, to recover and regenerate nature and to restore people’s health and wellbeing are now critical. In our final report, the Commission sets out radical and practical ways for policymakers, business and communities to respond to the challenges.

The Commission believes it is vital to hear the voices of those not usually involved in these kinds of debates – embarking on a seven-month cycle tour of the whole UK to hear first-hand the reality of living in the countryside. The Commission also led separate inquiries in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and locally-led inquiries in Devon, Cumbria and Lincolnshire to focus in on those issues unique to different parts of the UK.

Rt Hon Michael Gove MP and Henry Dimbleby join Commission Chair Sir Ian Cheshire to discuss the final report and its accompaniment, The Field Guide for the Future.

The event will be followed by a food and drinks reception where you will be able to find out more about the work of the Commission and have an opportunity for networking.


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