How to be an Impact Entrepreneur

Public talks


The Great Room, RSA House

  • Enterprise
  • Social enterprise
  • Sustainability
  • Social innovation

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In the face of rising challenges, from economic inequality to climate emergency, charities, public agencies and businesses worldwide are looking for solutions that can deliver impact at scale and speed. A growing impact investment market has developed in response, seeking social start-ups to solve our most urgent problems through rapid, scalable innovation. But is it time to re-think the role of social entrepreneurs in creating a more just, equal and sustainable society?

See a problem; develop a solution; help it scale and spread; change the system for good. This is the goal of every social venture. But the reality for many social businesses is that they often struggle to spread their ideas locally, let alone globally. Do we need a new way of thinking about how social enterprise can help make change happen in the world?
Reflecting on the RSA’s first Impact Accelerator programme, which has focused on the growing challenge of Economic Security, this special event, in partnership with the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, will feature Charles Leadbeater, a leading authority on innovation, Jennie Winhall a social ventures and creativity expert, Payal Dalal from the Center and RSA Director of Innovation Rowan Conway. They’ll present a new, human-scale approach to accelerating and sustaining social innovation - and introduce an emerging generation of “impact entrepreneurs” to make the case for a new kind of collective impact movement.

The Center for Inclusive Growth focuses on promoting equitable and sustainable economic growth and financial inclusion around the world. As a subsidiary of Mastercard, the Center leverages the company’s data, expertise and technology along with administering the Mastercard Impact Fund’s philanthropic investments to empower a community of thinkers, leaders and innovators on the front lines of inclusive growth.  For more information and to receive its latest insights, follow the Center on Twitter @CNTR4growth or subscribe to its newsletter. 

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