UK Politics: Making Sense of the Mayhem

Public talks


Durham Street Auditorium, RSA House

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What on earth is going on in Westminster?


We are living through an extraordinary moment in British politics: party expulsions, resignations, the ever-present possibility of a snap election, and one of the longest parliamentary sessions in history ending with an unprecedented suspension. With every passing day, remarkable events in Westminster paint a picture of cartoonish personalities, convoluted tactics, and bizarre ancient traditions operating inside the corridors of power.

The turbulence in Westminster has captured a great deal of public attention, with political moments trending daily on social media and record numbers of viewers tuning in to BBC Parliament. But are we actually any more engaged with our political institutions and processes, or are we just gawping at the spectacle of it all? Has the way politics is talked about in the press and on social media contributed to a growing sense of divide between the ‘Westminster bubble’ and the rest of the country? An expert panel gathers to discuss this peculiar moment, and how our ways of talking about politics have shaped the situation we find ourselves in. 


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