‘Don’t Forget the Magic’

Public talks


The Great Room, RSA House

  • Design
  • Creativity
  • Leadership

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The incoming Master of the Faculty of Royal Designers for Industry, Mark Major RDI is a pioneer of lighting design in the UK and Principal of Speirs + Major. 

Prior to the RDI Address, 6 new Royal Designers for Industry (RDI) and one new Honorary Royal Designer for Industry (Hon RDI) will be welcomed to the Faculty. 

Mark Major will give a talk about his background as a Lighting Architect with particular reference to the illumination of public space. He will focus on three key concepts he has learnt when working with light and darkness: ‘Retain as well as add’, ‘Achieve the right balance’ and ‘Don’t forget the magic’. He will demonstrate these through examples of his work. Mark will conclude by considering how he might apply these same principles to help guide the RDI Faculty and Association forward to support the work of the RSA, design education and the wider design community. 
The title ‘Royal Designer for Industry’ was introduced by the RSA in 1936 to promote the important contribution of design in manufacturing in industry, to encourage and reward outstanding practitioners, and to raise the profile of the design profession.   
Now regarded as the highest accolade for designers in the UK, it is awarded annually to designers of all disciplines who have achieved sustained design excellence, work of aesthetic value, and significant benefit to society. A maximum of two hundred British designers can hold the title and non-UK designers may receive the honorary title Hon RDI.

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