Deliberation Gateway Network | Why Deliberate? (August 9th @ 1700 PDT | 2000 EDT)



Online via Zoom

  • Skills
  • Deliberative democracy
  • Social innovation

Join the Deliberation Gateway Network, and their global network of deliberation networks, for the first part of their "Unlocking Deliberation" seminar series.

"Have you ever thought: "I never thought of that!"?

A collaboration of deliberation organizations from around the world is hosting a series of online training seminars called "Unlocking Deliberation" to help individuals and groups learn how to bring the wide range of modern deliberative techniques to bear on the collective problems that confront them. The first webinar of the series “Why Deliberate?” is taking place on Sunday, August 9th 2020 at 8pm ET, (5 pm PT).

From organizing the village fair to confronting climate change, when individuals or groups appreciate the limits of their particular points of view and find ways to encompass the perspectives of others, progress can be made! That is the heart of a good deliberation! In households, businesses, states, or national governments, new ways of thinking about community problems are very often the key to their solution. New perspectives, approaches, models, and proposals emerge from a type of listening and exchange that constitute deliberation.

Worldwide, we are beginning to appreciate the organizational,  societal and personal benefits of inclusive, democratic decision making. A large number of techniques have been developed to help guide communities through such collective processes, such as deliberative polls, citizens’ assemblies, planning cells, and citizens' juries. In this series of seminars we will use a mixture of presentations, group discussion and plenary conversations to explore the necessary conditions and a range of techniques to facilitate meaningful group deliberation even in situations where polarization and tribalism seem hopelessly ingrained. 

Deliberation Gateway is a thematic network of the RSA-US which has co-ordinated a team of experts on deliberation from organizations around the world including Sortition Foundation (US/UK); Institute for Sustainable Futures, UTS (Aus.); the Co-intelligence Institute (US) and RSA Fellows based in RSA Oceania and RSA US.

This event is taking place on Sunday, August 9th 2020 between:

  • 5 - 6pm PDT
  • 8 - 9pm EDT

To access the log-in details to join this free event, please register in advance.

This event is being hosted by the Sortition Foundation, in partnership with the Deliberation Gateway Network incubated by RSA US. 

To participate in the event, you will need to register for a ticket to receive the bespoke link to join. You will be sent detailed instructions via email closer to the event. Attendees will need to register for a free Zoom account and download their software. To understand more about how Zoom uses your data, please read their Privacy Policy in advance.  

By registering for this event you consent to receiving communications about this event, both before and after, and you agree to the sharing of your name, organization & title with the Fellow(s) and/or partner organization(s) hosting this event. Attendees also agree to the sharing of your name and organization with other delegates at the event. For more information, please be contact with [email protected] and/or [email protected].