Innovations for Good Work

Public talks / Video


Online via YouTube

  • Future of Work
  • Employment
  • Enterprise
  • Skills

Innovations are emerging worldwide to address the challenges of a rapidly changing future of work.  

Watch the replay of this event on YouTube

The pandemic is likely to accelerate the pace of technological change and automation globally. To secure a future where good work is available to all, we will need new approaches to skills, training and lifelong learning, to economic security and to worker voice and power.

To launch the RSA Good Work Guild, a panel of good work innovators gather to share the solutions they have pioneered to support and empower workers in the transition to the jobs of the future; the systemic challenges they have faced in taking new ideas to scale; and the opportunities for innovators, investors and institutional actors to come together to build and sustain system-wide good work innovation, and a global movement for change.

In partnership with Autodesk Foundation

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