Friday Conversations: Social Isolation

Fellowship events


Online / Zoom

  • Public Services & Communities
  • Communities
  • Community engagement
  • Health & wellbeing
  • Public services
  • Social care

Join Becca Antink and Tom Harrison, researchers in the RSA’s Public Services and Communities team, for a discussion on the drivers of social isolation and how it plays out for different groups in different places, as part of the RSA’s new Friday Conversations programme.

The RSA's 21st century enlightenment coffeehouse, Rawthmells, aims to foster the kind of thinking and collaborative action needed to address the challenges of the 21st century. To mark the launch of the coffeehouse, we’re hosting a series of powerful conversations and sharing the best ideas on some of the challenges we face as a society in the next decade and beyond.

Each Friday throughout the launch, a member of the RSA’s Action and Research Centre will take to the Steps to host an interactive conversation to kick off Friday Conversations. Join us in Rawthmells to participate in a discussion reflecting on the ideas shared throughout the week, and to contribute your thoughts and perspectives. 

On Friday 7th December at 12pm GMT, Becca Antink and Tom Harrison in the RSA's Public Services and Communities team will host a conversation on social isolation. We are interested to know what you think are the biggest drivers of social isolation and how it plays out for different groups and in different places. 

No need to register: just drop by the Steps.