RSA Fellowship Networks Day

Fellowship events


Rawthmells, RSA House

  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action

Join us for a vibrant all-day event designed for Fellows leading Networks and groups driving social action in their communities. Meet, collaborate and learn with other Network leads. Deep-dive into current challenges or discover new innovations and best practices.

Bring your ideas, energy, challenges and stories of success as RSA Fellowship takes over Rawthmells Coffeehouse for a first ever Fellowship Networks Day on 25 March 2019! 

Following December’s online series of events surfacing rich insights from the RSA’s community of practice, this collaboratively designed and delivered all-day event offers rich, participatory sessions providing RSA Network leads with dedicated opportunities to share, explore, reflect, and take actions forward. We hope you’ll be able to join us. 


About Fellowship Networks Day 

More than 30 Fellow-led Networks explore, devise, test or pioneer ideas which have the potential to become a powerful source of social change. We want to enable Fellow-led Networks to be collaborative, sustained and purposeful communities structured to empower Fellows to drive that change forward. 

Fellowship Networks Day will offer Network leads: 

  • Opportunities to collaborate with and learn from other Network/group leads, including creative problem-solving around challenges you face;  

  • Examples and case studies of how Networks are engaging with RSA projects and the Action Research Centre;  

  • Sessions exploring how to establish and develop purposeful Networks that are well connected and have sustainable leadership;  

  • Setting a culture of diversity and inclusion in your  Network;  

  • Informal networking   


Who can join? 

The event is designed for Fellows already leading RSA Networks and groups to connect with and learn from each other, though all are warmly welcome. We encourage those curious about running RSA activity to drop in, get a sense of what initiating activity entails, and connect with other Fellows. 

Feel free to join for one, some or all of the day’s sessions. Two sessions will be livestreamed and facilitated online for Fellows unable to attend in person. These are bookable below and will be hosted on Zoom.

There will be opportunities for informal networking throughout the day. We hope that the connections made will continue to flourish, offering serendipity and support. Please see below for a timetable of the day, and a description of the morning and afternoon sessions.

If you have any access requirements or require any reasonable adjustments, please let the team know: [email protected]. Please also let us know if you have any dietary requirements or severe allergies.

Reasonable travel costs will be reimbursed for those travelling from outside of London. Please bring your tickets and receipts with you on the day.



Introduction and Welcome

Time: 09.15 - 09.45am GMT


A welcome from Matthew Taylor (CEO) and Laura House (Head of Local Areas) to introduce the day’s activities, and to outline the key role that Fellow-led Networks play in the RSA now and in the future.


Morning Sessions

Time: 10 - 11.30am GMT


Title: Developing purpose
Venue: The Steps / online 

Working in small groups, share successes, barriers and questions to support the development of your network’s purpose. Share ideas for designing activity which works towards your purpose, and how to involve and share this with the wider Network membership. Fellows are welcome to join the conversation at Rawthmells or online from wherever they are based.

BOOK NOW - to attend the event online

Title: Engaging with RSA projects
Venue: Dr Cross Room

An opportunity to learn about the nuts and bolts of how the RSA’s Action and Research Centre works, and its key present and upcoming projects. We’ll focus on practical examples of how Fellow-led networks might be able to connect with this work.

Title: Problem solving Workshop
Venue: Long Gallery

Are you working through a problem but struggling to identify solutions alone? Bring along your challenge and draw on the peer-to-peer support of the Fellowship for a problem solving workshop. There will also be a chance to hear some of the common challenges RSA Networks face and an opportunity to offer your expertise to help your fellow Network Leads.


Afternoon Sessions

Time: 1.30 - 3.00pm GMT


Title: Sustainable Leadership
Venue: The Long Gallery / Romney Room (depending on numbers)

Explore ways to help your network be sustainable. Hear how shared leadership works in practice and the opportunities and challenges arising from leadership transition. Make connections with others using different network structures and share reflections and questions.

Title: Connected
Venue: The Steps/ Online

Only Connect! - how can Fellows' groups and networks develop successful collaborations with other organisations, both local and further afield? What are the challenges and opportunities? What can we learn from RSA Global Connectors?

BOOK NOW - to attend the event online

Title: Setting a culture of diversity and inclusion
Venue: Dr Cross Room

How are we building open and inclusive networks that enable diverse participation? Join us for a practical session of sharing how we are already building diversity inclusion considerations into event planning. In this session, we'll co-create a toolkit and checklist to aid future planning and delivery of events.   

Location: Rawthmells, RSA House, 8 John Adam St, London, WC2N 6EZ

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