RSA US December Virtual Salon: The Internet’s 50! Hooray?

Fellowship events



The author of dystopian fiction, John Twelve Hawks, is quoted as saying: "Anyone who steps back for a minute and observes our modern digital world might conclude that we have destroyed our privacy in exchange for convenience and false security."

The internet turned 50 on October 29th, and while it has brought radical transformation, it all started with a typo. Whether Freudian or not, we’ve seen major opportunities, shifts and disruptions caused by slip-ups or other unforeseen capitulations related to this powerful beast that has maintained a profound effect on society. As we venture into the second half-century of the Internet Age, where do we see our priorities and concerns shifting? What are we OK giving up in the name of convenience?


Some questions we will be discussing include:

  • Taking a leap of faith in our relationship with technology and connectivity, what do we forgive and where do we draw the line? Our answers to this often differ based on our personal reliance on technology, the work we do, demographics and more.
  • Where is the tipping point? Have we already discovered the elasticity of such a point?
  • With much transformation still to come, are we in the Golden Age of the Internet, or is that age yet to come?


Join us for a salon where there are surprisingly few absolute answers – right or wrong. The following are by no means prerequisite for participation, but are informative nonetheless:



Jonathan Tavss: A world-renowned guide for those wishing to understand discourse on technology and its connection to societal change, Jonathan Tavss triggers organizational realignment to drive real impact. In addition to being Co-Founder and Director of Kaleidoko and a Professor for Boston University’s Masters in Media Ventures program, Jonathan is hired to address audiences around the world to educate and inspire. At his core, he is a connector – literally and figuratively – between the realities of today and the sustainable possibilities of tomorrow.


Zoe Camper: Zoë led the team that created the UK’s first AI driven health virtual assistant. Her passion is digital transformation, voice enablement and implementing effective AI strategies. She has spoken at many conferences including IBMThink about her AI work. She is currently developing easy-to-adopt artificial/augmented intelligence strategies for organisations who want to be ahead of the AI adoption curve. Zoe is a London native, has been a fellow since 2004 and currently lives in Fabulous Las Vegas.

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