Create Our Future: Creative Crisis Response Co-design Session

Fellowship events


Online via Zoom

  • Creativity
  • Creative Institutions and Systems
  • Community engagement
  • Social networks
  • Rawthmells
  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action
  • Global

The coronavirus crisis gives us time to reflect on the kind of future we want. Join us as we creatively make sense of our goals and plan actions.

The future we want to see will take work. We can use creativity to facilitate mass participation in considering how our world should look after this crisis and Create Our Future is a Fellow-led project that has developed in response.

Create Our Future has developed a hands-on creative activity to get the conversation started which participants will have the opportunity to complete before the event. What future do you want and what actions are required to achieve this? The result is a melding of collaborative creativity, mindfulness and activism.

We are turning to the Fellowship and its connected communities to engage on these topics and activities. During the Zoom session we will consider how this activity could be rolled out on a larger scale for the greater public. Those with experience working in community action areas are encouraged to attend and share this event.

Our hope is to build a menu of different creative experiences for participants to choose from. We encourage collaboration from artists, craftspeople, musician, poets, photographers, actors and all those with creative ideas to offer! This concept will be part of the discussion at this event. 

How it works:

  • Before the event you will be able to access the hands-on activity guide in order to feedback and participate in this co-design session before attending the event on 25 June. Participants will then be guided in a reflective experience which allows them to move from sense-making to action planning.
  • It is important that you access the prototype in advance of this event. Please register for the event to receive these details, and do so with enough time to participate before the event.

The event will take place via the online conferencing platform, Zoom. You will receive the link to this meeting upon registering for the event, and again as a reminder 30 minutes before. 

If you have questions about this event, please email Rachel Godin (Interim RSA Coffeehouse and London Events Manager) at [email protected]


Please use the "Book Now" link above to receive joining instructions.

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