Are we ready for the new year?

Fellowship events / Online

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US Timezones: 11am - Noon PT / 2 - 3pm ET

  • Technology

Arriving at the end of another astounding year which no one could have predicted, shall we have a go at recapping the past year and looking forward to the future?

We’re still attempting to make sense of the known unknowns, the known knowns and the unknown unknowns, but nothing screams Holiday Season like a gathering of diverse, intelligent, creative and inquisitive people to tee off the dive down the rabbit hole.

There’s no agenda other than to share what we’ve seen and illuminate trends we’re witnessing heading into the new year. When considering societal interaction with technologies, systems or movements, what are you looking forward to in the coming year? What flags of concern are rising that our fingers should be on the pulse of? Where can we step up, lean in, pay forward to make a difference in society?

All insights and/or incites are welcome! Are we ready?

Let’s get together to reflect and project into the New Year. Hope you can make it!

Join the Augmented Society Network to discuss: 

  • High impact societal events of consequence in the past year.
  • Trends we should keep an eye on in the coming year.
  • Ways in which to set our expectations and fortify our resilience for success in the future.

Taking part in RSA online events

For our interactive online events, the RSA uses the platform Zoom. We have found it simple for participants to use while also providing the necessary functionality for an engaging online event.

To participate in the event, you will need to register for a ticket to receive the bespoke link to join. You will be sent detailed instructions via email closer to the event. Attendees will need to register for a free Zoom account and download their software. To understand more about how Zoom uses your data, please read their Privacy Policy in advance.

We record many of our online events. By attending this online event you accept that you may appear in a RSA video as a participant. Our intention is to use any recording of this event for learning purposes and to document the content of the discussion. Currently we do not have plans to share this recording publicly, but may do so in the future.

If you have any questions, or to let us know of any access requirements or reasonable adjustments you require, please email: [email protected].

By registering for this event you consent to receiving communications about this event, both before and after, and you agree to the sharing of your name, organisation & title with the Fellow(s) and/or partner organisation(s) hosting this event. Attendees also agree to the sharing of your name and organisation with other delegates at the event so that they might contact you through MyRSA. If you do not wish this information to be shared, please let us know by emailing: [email protected].

The information you provide when registering for an event will be retained by the RSA and will be used to record attendance at the event. To understand more about how the RSA uses your data, please see our Privacy Policy.

The Augmented Society Network is an RSA US Thematic Network founded in 2019 by two RSA Fellows with a passion for humankind. The network meets to discuss the impact technology is having on society and will continue to have in the coming weeks, decades and centuries. To learn more about the Augmented Society Network, go to

Photo attribution: The original image may be accessed via Unsplash and is the work of Clay Banks.