The serendipity mindset: The art & science of creating good luck

Fellowship events / Online

 -  | GMT Standard Time

US Timezones: 9- 10am PT / Noon – 1pm ET

  • Behaviour change

Join us for an interactive discussion that will help us understand the science of serendipity and how it can be used as a tool for innovation and impact.  

Modern life is full of chance encounters, changing plans, delayed journeys, human errors, and—yes—even pandemics. But what if we could turn such unpredictability into positive outcomes? Dr. Christian Busch, FRSA has spent a decade exploring how, if acted upon, unexpected moments can enhance our worldview, expand our social circles, and create new opportunities for innovation and impact.

In this interactive event, Christian will share how we can use uncertainty as a pathway to more purpose and success, for companies and individuals alike.

Attendees are encouraged to share their own serendipity stories and insights during this virtual discussion.

This event was recorded.

RSA US Virtual Salons usually occur on the fourth Thursday of each month; they aim to create open dialogue and a space for RSA US Fellows to connect across geography over the issues of our times. Join a Salon to get to know other RSA US Fellows and our interests, passions, and perspectives. Salons are supported through the moderation of a volunteer to ensure that a diversity of voices are heard. We invite all Fellows to join this discussion to deepen the ways we can connect with each other across the country!

Photo attribution: The original image can be accessed via Unsplash and is the work of Radu Florin