How women of color can redefine power in corporate America

Fellowship events

 -  | Pacific Standard Time

9 - 10AM PT / 12 - 1pm ET

  • Employment
  • Accessibility & inclusion
  • Leadership

As we know well, every February and March, companies pay lip service to “how far we’ve come.” But traditional corporate power structures are still underserving Women Of Color in particular—one of the fastest-growing segments in the workforce today, at a moment when business success hinges on talent and retention. 

Join RSA US in a conversation that has too often been relegated to side rooms, but deserves a more critical and widespread conversation: how women of color can redefine power in corporate America. As one of the fastest-growing segments in the corporate workforce, women of color have felt that they need to hide or change who they are to “fit” into the corporate cultures and environments they are in. How can this be changed? 

As one of the youngest women of color to achieve the rank of senior partner at Deloitte, Deepa Purushothaman experienced these feelings of isolation and burnout and in her new book THE FIRST, THE FEW, THE ONLY: How Women of Color Can Redefine Power in Corporate America(Harper Business), launching March 1, 2022, she shares stories from other women of color and lays the groundwork for how women of color can unearth their power and channel it to redefine success for their most authentic selves. 

Join this interactive discussion between Deepa and social impact and equity strategist Nate Wong (FRSA, Washington, DC) to understand how women of color have faced collective setbacks as they tried to fit into white corporate culture and how we can collectively identify a better path forward.

This event was recorded.

RSA US Virtual Salons usually occur on the fourth Thursday of each month; they aim to create open dialogue and a space for RSA US Fellows to connect across geography over the issues of our times. Join a Salon to get to know other RSA US Fellows and our interests, passions, and perspectives. Salons are supported through the moderation of a volunteer to ensure that a diversity of voices are heard. We invite all Fellows to join this discussion to deepen the ways we can connect with each other across the country!

Photo attribution: The original image can be accessed via Unsplash and is the work of Christina @ Deepa Purushothaman’s image is the work of Leslie Bohm.