Perspectives on international cultural relations

Fellowship events

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  • Communities
  • Heritage
  • Global

Join us for this fascinating event discussing the links between international cultural relations, diplomacy and civil society.

RSA Fellows and guests of all disciplines from all around the world are most warmly invited to register for this Zoom event, a sequel to our recent International Cultural Relations event. Each speaker will offer a perspective on aspects of international cultural relations, diplomacy and civil society.

Attendees are encouraged:

(a) to watch for the speaker sequence on LinkedIn nearer the time

(b) to note there will be one or two five-minute coffee breaks.

More detailed biographies on our speakers will be given at the outset of the event.

Speaker biographies:

  • H.E. Dr Emil Brix is a highly respected Austrian career diplomat, polymath and historian. At one-time Ambassador in London, he is now the Director of the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna, and is addressing the Network for a third time.
  • RSA Fellow Dr Rupert Graf Strachwitz is a German political scientist who has worked on civil society for almost forty years. He is the Executive Director of the Maecenata Foundation and Director of the  Maecenata Institute for Philanthropy and Civil Society, holding also a wide range of Honorary positions. He is also addressing the Network for the third time, speaking to “A Special Role for Civil Society”.
  • Keith Nichol is Head of Cultural Diplomacy within the UK Government Department of Culture, Media and Sport [DCMS].
  • Aimee R. Fullman is an American academic and consultant in arts and cultural management, cultural policy, and international cultural relations. Over the past twenty years, she has worked as a researcher, policy adviser, and cultural manager for institutions including Americans for the Arts, American Voices, British Council, Canadian Heritage, Institute of International Education, and UNESCO. She is deeply committed to bridging theory, research, teaching and practice and has been on the faculty for higher institutions including the University of Westminster, George Mason University, and American University teaching arts and cultural management at the graduate and post-graduate level for over a decade. She is currently the Director of the National Resource Center for Creative Forces®: National Endowment for the Arts’ Military Healing Arts Network.
  • Dr Debora Tonelli is the Georgetown Representative in Rome and Permanent Researcher at the Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Centro per le Scienze Religiose, and will speak to “Interfaith Dialogue and ICR”.

Innovation diplomacy: In addition to the ICR presentations above, there will also be an information presentation on innovation diplomacy by Alexander Holt, Head of Strategic Partnerships, CivTech Alliance. He will outline the establishment of the recently-formed worldwide Alliance of public, private and third sector organisations working across Civic and GovTech sectors, supporting and developing products and services which improve citizens’ lives.

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