Regenerating Post-industrial Landscapes

Fellowship events / Online

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Regenerating post-industrial landscapes.

Proměna post-industriálních krajin a měst.

Join us for this exciting event, where the RSA and the Masaryk Academy will jointly host a panel discussion exploring the challenges facing three post-industrial urban areas and their surrounding communities: Glasgow in Scotland, Pittsburgh in the United States, and the Ostrava agglomeration in the Czech Republic. The discussion will facilitate a three-way transfer of knowledge between all the cities involved, enabling participants to learn from policy successes around the world.

Our hope is that this will be the start of a series of discussions and debates, as well as other forms of cooperation. We believe that there are strong potential benefits to be gained from bringing together experiences from the three urban areas, examining areas of commonality as well as differences, and identifying areas for deeper cooperation amongst policy makers.

The goal of this first discussion will be to take an interdisciplinary look at the ways in which economic change has affected landscapes in post-industrial cities and surrounding communities, and at possible solutions for the challenges presented by these changes. For instance, we will address the ways in which past planning decisions have impacted transport infrastructure and how innovative solutions in all three urban areas have successfully transformed local economies and communities. We will also explore the challenge of derelict land and how it can be put to positive use. This includes not only old industrial plants but also disused coal mines, often with accompanying rail infrastructure. The ownership and use of land in surrounding rural and suburban areas will also form part of our discussion. We aim at not only presenting technical solutions, but also exploring the impact of change on culture and identity in these three communities.


• Lubomír Zaorálek

• Barbara Vojvodíková (Ostrava agglomeration)

• Jamie Cooke (Glasgow)

• Don Carter (Pittsburgh)

• Martin Valenti (Scottish Vacant and Derelict Land Taskforce)

• Duncan Booker (Glasgow City Council)

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