NeuroArts: how the arts can advance wellbeing

Fellowship events / Online

 -  | Eastern Standard Time

9 - 10AM PDT / 12 - 1pm EDT

  • Creativity
  • Mental health
  • Health & wellbeing

Join RSA US for a conversation about how the arts can help improve our health and wellbeing. 

The arts can amplify our collective ability to foster wellbeing, build more equitable communities, prevent disease, and manage or recover from physical and mental health challenges. Advances in technologies such as brain imaging, novel biomarkers, and artificial intelligence are helping researchers uncover the biological mechanisms that underlie how the arts can help address a wide range of physical and mental health challenges. 

The NeuroArts Blueprint is a new global initiative that spans the full spectrum of art modalities and research methods. It offers a set of bold, culture-changing steps to cultivate the emerging field of “neuro-arts” — the study of how the arts and aesthetic experiences measurably change the brain, body, and behavior and how this knowledge can be used to improve health and wellbeing.

For this event, Blueprint co-director, and RSA Fellow, Susan Magsamen will share concrete principles, findings, recommendations, and action steps for building a neuroarts ecosystem. She will be joined in conversation with Ruth Katz — co-director for the Blueprint initiative — who directs Aspen Ideas Health and serves as executive director of The Aspen Institute's Health, Medicine & Society Program.

This event was recorded.

  • RSA US Virtual Salons usually occur on the fourth Thursday of each month; they aim to create open dialogue and a space for RSA US Fellows to connect across geography over the issues of our times. Join a Salon to get to know other RSA US Fellows and our interests, passions, and perspectives. Salons are supported through the moderation of a volunteer to ensure that a diversity of voices are heard. We invite all Fellows to join this discussion to deepen the ways we can connect with each other across the country!

    Photo attribution: The original image can be accessed via Unsplash and is the work of Alina Grubnyak.