DC Fellows meet-up | Happy Hour at the Eaton Hotel

Fellowship events

 -  | Eastern Standard Time

5.30pm - 7.30pm EDT

  • Communities
  • Community engagement
  • Fellowship
  • Fellowship in Action
  • Global

Join RSA US for an evening of conversation and connections at PopTech, in Washington, D.C. on October 28.

The theme of this year's PopTech is DEPARTURE/ARRIVAL, exploring and inviting group reflections around what we have left behind as a society and where we are going. After so much time in virtual engagement during the pandemic, we are excited to meet in person.

Nate Wong, regional ambassador for the DC area, will be hosting an informal gathering for DC-based Fellows, and other Fellows who may be in town for PopTech. This will be a great opportunity to connect and to explore ways of collaborating and supporting each other. We are excited to be joined by RSA Chief Executive Andy Haldane, as well as RSA US Director, Alexa Clay, RSA US board members and staff.

The PopTech team has kindly offered RSA Fellows a discount on ticket prices, which you can avail of here. Please note that you do not need to purchase a ticket to PopTech to attend this event. But we would love to see many of you at PopTech, which promises to be a very stimulating 2 days of eclectic programming, including a workshop the RSA is running on "Economic re-imagining: basic income & our lived experience" as well as talks on 21st century policing, aclimate action, preventing pandemics, and creative expression, amongst other topics!

This event will be taking place on Friday, October 28 from 5.30pm - 7.30pm ET at Wild Days, rooftop bar and lounge, at Eaton Hotel, D.C.

Note that discount codes are available only to RSA Fellows and are non-transferable.

Photo attribution: The original image can be accessed via Unsplash and is the work of Toa Heftiba