Transformational conversations on 21st century challenges

Fellowship events

 -  | BST British Summer Time


  • Skills
  • Behaviour change
  • Mental health
  • Social brain

Welcome to our 2023 unique series of events hosted by the RSA Fellow-led coaching network.

12 September – Leadership in late-stage capitalism: Where is your maximum impact in 2024?

The planet is all but in crisis and many humans seem to be acting as if it is ‘business as usual’. And yet, paradoxically perhaps, there is also a sense that we know this, that we see the impacts of a broken system playing out in our workplaces, our governments, in the wider natural habitat, and there is a groundswell of individual and collective action to reverse it. But will these actions prove to be enough?

The core question facing anyone who is working for societal change in current times seems then to be this:

If we are operating with a system that continues to extract and exploit beyond regenerative limits, why does it sometimes seem so hard to create change at pace, and where are our greatest points of leverage?

This series explores the human dynamic of these global issues, and our next meeting will focus on leadership and the relationship between how we organise ourselves for ‘work’ or collective action, and whether or how the economic system incentivises and constrains certain forms of that organisation.

By tapping back into our lived experience we may gain new insights about and solutions to those unseen structures and operating assumptions that may be limiting our creativity or our agency to create positive change.

Join us, and like-minded leaders, on September 12th for another Transformational Conversation to make collective sense of the complex, and individually clarify our own highest leverage point for social impact in 2024.

More dates to follow!

Our approach and what makes these events different

We use a coaching approach which means that we explore how we relate to the themes and topics above, rather than staying with the ideas and concepts we hold about them.

By exploring your lived experience you will gain new insights and perspectives on these topics and a greater awareness of how you yourself relate to them. This will assist you in developing your unique approach to leadership, and increase the positive impact of what you are doing in the world.

These events are about a deeply experiential, individual exploration that generates fresh thinking for ourselves as well as the collective. The experiential element, especially in very small groups, can feel unfamiliar at first, but the feedback we get is outstanding.

Connecting with others is also an important part of our event design, supporting your exploration of the theme, and also creating an opportunity to make or deepen connections.

We welcome a diversity of perspectives on the event themes as well as the exploratory approach itself, and, during the discussion, we encourage you to contribute your own experience, expertise and presence.

If this resonates with you, join us to co-create this safe and stimulating space to explore the multiple facets of highly relevant themes.

How it works:

The sessions are participatory - in large and small groups. They embrace the intellectual, the felt and the intuitive, focussing on present moment insight and integration.

After a brief context-setting introduction, you will be invited to break into pairs or small groups to facilitate deeper exploration and reflection. This also gives you an opportunity to meet, get to know, and connect with other Fellows and like-minded individuals.

You will be challenged, through a series of structured questions to explore, reflect, and consider something new about a topic. You are invited to consider novel perspectives and different points of view that may challenge your own and discover what emerges (or not).


You can join us for all the events, and deepen the sense of community with those who attend regularly, or dip in and out of the ones where the topic feels most relevant to you.

The events will not be recorded, but a short read-out will be circulated to Network members after each event with advance information as more dates are added.

Online events to be held on Zoom and are listed under GMT UK time zone, although you are very welcome to join us from anywhere in the world.

Once you have signed up, you will receive an email with call joining instructions in advance of the event and an option to add the event to your calendar.

Not a Network member? Sign up here to receive event readouts, updates or invitations to future events.

Previous events in this series included:

  • 11 July: Speed-Coaching: Creating Insights in the Moment to Support Your Social Change Work
  • 15 June: Fellows Festival in-person session - What can go right? Progress, presence and stumbling on success
  • 13 June: What Can Go Right? Progress, Presence and Stumbling on Success
  • 11 April: Responsibility and Social Impact
  • 14 March: Power, coaching and non-violence – can we talk about this?
  • 14 February: Start Playful – Explore your Perspective on 2023

Taking part in online events 

For our interactive online events, the RSA uses the platform Zoom. It may be necessary to follow a short set-up process. To understand how Zoom uses your data, please read their privacy policy in advance. 

Zoom call joining details will be sent out via email in advance of the event. 

If you have any access requirements or require any reasonable adjustments to support your participation, please let the team know by emailing: [email protected]. 

We sometimes record our online RSA Fellowship events for learning purposes, publicity and/or public viewing. By attending this event, you accept that you may appear in RSA videos or images as an attendee of this event.