Creative leadership: a radical rethink

Fellowship events

 -  | Eastern Daylight Time

6.30pm - 8.30pm EDT

  • Creative economy
  • Design
  • Accessibility & inclusion
  • Leadership

This event is being held in partnership with AIGA NY.

Join Rama Gheerawo FRSA, AIGA NY and the RSA US New York Fellowship community to explore creative leadership.

How do we evolve current models of leadership? How can they become more inclusive of leaders of all ages, abilities, genders, and races? What is the role that you can play in evolving the leadership landscape as well as your personal practice? Creative Leadership is a form of leadership for the 21st century that provides the tools for leaders to navigate this. Based on Rama Gheerawo’s recent book, Creative Leadership: Born from Design, it is an inclusive design approach to leadership that aims to transform your individual and organizational practice.

Join us to explore: 

  • Creative Leadership and its three values
  • Practical tools to apply them
  • The role of design in enabling new forms of leadership
  • Understanding of what 21st century leadership looks like
  • How these values can be applied personally and organizationally

This event is taking place:

  • On Tuesday, March 14
  • Between 6.30pm – 8.30pm EDT
  • At Starr Foundation Hall, University Center , 63 5th Avenue, Room UL102, New York, 10011

Tickets are $10 for RSA US Fellows.

After the event, you’re invited to a reception, sponsored by RSA US.

RSA US Virtual Salons usually occur on the fourth Thursday of each month; they aim to create open dialogue and a space for RSA US Fellows to connect across geography over the issues of our times. Join a Salon to get to know other RSA US Fellows and our interests, passions, and perspectives. Salons are supported through the moderation of a volunteer to ensure that a diversity of voices are heard. We invite all Fellows to join this discussion to deepen the ways we can connect with each other across the country! 

Photo attribution: The original image can be accessed via Unsplash and is the work of Girl with red hat.