What is Philanthropy for?

Fellowship events

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Please join us for this thought-provoking discussion on issues relating to philanthropy.

Following the interest generated by Dr Beth Breeze’s presentation on her book “In Defence of Philanthropy”, RSA Fellows and guests are warmly invited to register for this online event, exploring the fascinating topic of philanthropy once again.

All those who register are welcome to submit a question in advance.


Rhodri Davies is Director of Philanthropy Matters. A few years ago he published “Public Good by Private Means”. However, on this occasion he will be presenting on his more recently published book “What is Philanthropy for?”. It is anticipated a wide range of issues will be touched on including current and future giving trends, Al, tax relief, campaigning, ethically dubious funds, as well as campaigns (and divestment campaigns). Rhodri is currently Expert in Residence at the Pears Foundation and was CAF Head of Policy between December 2017 and September 2021.

Helen Chambers has been active in the world of philanthropy for over 15 years. She was a co-founder of Inspiring Scotland, one of Europe's largest venture philanthropy organisations, and currently chairs The Edinburgh Trust. The key focus of her career, spanning across the philanthropic world, government and voluntary sector, has been to lever resources to make the most effective social impact. She is a firm believer that the answers to society’s ‘wicked issues’ can only be met with cross-sectoral responses. Helen currently works an an independent consultant focusing on strategy and creating good thinking environments.

Dr Rupert Graf Strachwitz is CEO of the Maecenata Foundation. He has been involved with not-forprofit organisations for well over 30 years – as a volunteer, staff member, board member, consultant, researcher and lecturer. Since 1989, he has been managing director of Maecenata Management, a consultancy that specialises in foundations and associations, corporate citizenship and philanthropy. Additionally, from 1997 till 2023, he has also been the director of the Maecenata Institute for Philanthropy and Civil Society, Berlin. He is Executive Director of the Maecenata Foundation, Munich, Deputy Chairman of the German-British Society, Berlin, Chairman of the Board of the Fliege Foundation, Feldafing and Deputy Chairman of the Board of the ADAC Foundation, Munich.

Thomas Ward has a wide range of business experience from large international public companies, to private companies and start-ups. He’s currently the chairman of one of the UK’s largest pubs companies and a member of the Equity Gap angel investor syndicate. He teaches on post graduate courses at the University of Edinburgh Business School. Thomas was a trustee of Foundation Scotland and chairman until 2020. He is a life member of both the National Trust and the John Muir Trust. He is a graduate of the Universities of Oxford and Edinburgh, and lives in Edinburgh.

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