Launch of the RSA CDC Pensions Forum

Research & Impact Event / Online


Online via Zoom

  • Pensions

Join us for the launch of the RSA Collective Defined Contribution Pensions Forum.

We will be joined by the Pensions Minister, Guy Opperman, Shadow Pension Minister, Matt Rodda, and David Linden, SNP Work and Pensions Spokesperson. We will also present findings from recent research conducted by the Forum and host a guest panel chaired by Jo Cumbo, Global Pensions Correspondent of the Financial Times.

For most private sector workers, it is impossible to save for a pension which will deliver a reliable, cost effective income in retirement.

Collective Defined Contribution (CDC) pensions, enabled by the Pension Schemes Act 2021, offer a potential solution to this problem. The government is currently writing secondary legislation, which will allow individual employers to establish CDC pensions, and considering future developments for CDC pensions.

There is currently a broad range of options being proposed for the delivery of CDC pensions. For CDC pensions to have the maximum impact, it’s essential this is designed with the flexibility needed to meet the needs of sponsors and beneficiaries. This will require further cross-sector dialogue.

With that in mind, the RSA has formed a CDC Pensions Forum sponsored by AON, First Actuarial, Lane Clark & Peacock, CMS and the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. Its intention is to help bring together stakeholders to support the development and implementation of CDC. The Forum has been conducting research into what the next phase of CDC legislation might focus on which will be presented at the event.

If you are interested in CDC pensions, we hope that you will join us and register for this event.

Keynote speakers

  • Guy Opperman - Minister for Pensions and Financial Inclusion
  • Matt Rodda - Shadow Minister for Pensions
  • David Linden - Work & Pensions Spokesperson, SNP


  • Chair: Jo Cumbo - Global Pensions Correspondent, Financial Times
  • Matthew Arends - Head of UK Retirement Policy, Aon
  • Thibault Jeakings - Senior Associate, CMS
  • Caolan Ward - Policy Manager, Institute and Faculty of Actuaries
  • Steven Taylor - Partner, Lane Clark & Peacock LLP
  • Derek Benstead - Senior Consultant, First Actuarial LLP

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