Fellowship Connectors in the Americas

RSA Connectors are a growing network of international Fellows who help local Fellows to organise events and collaborate on projects in their respective countries.

If you are interested in becoming an RSA Connector for your area, please contact the RSA Global team.

Anita Li (Toronto, Canada)

Anita is a multi-platform journalist, news entrepreneur and media consultant based in Toronto. She specialises in community-driven journalism, audience engagement, media business models and journalism ethics. Anita also teaches journalism at universities in Toronto and New York City. 

Eidi Cruz-Valdivieso (Mexico City, Mexico)

Eidi has worked on community involvement, co-creativity and mentorship with some of the poorest communities in Mexico. She is leading a programme promoting creativity and innovation among global social entrepreneurs.

Enrique Mendizabal (Lima, Peru)  

Enrique is an independent policy entrepreneur. Previously based at the ODI, Enrique founded On Think Tanks, a global platform to study and support policy research institutes. He is keen to connect with Fellows in the Americas, especially Peru.