Fellowship Connectors in Asia

RSA Connectors are a growing network of international Fellows who help local Fellows to organise events and collaborate on projects in their respective countries.

If you are interested in becoming an RSA Connector for your area, please contact the RSA Global team.

Chris Oestereich (Bangkok, Thailand)

Chris is an author and a sustainability consultant with experience of running Zero Waste programs. He is interested in helping businesses, and society at-large, find ways to meet the challenges of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Tania Coke (Tokyo, Japan)

I began my career as a management consultant in London and Paris and use my business background to help Japanese business-people communicate in the international environment. I am interested in how we communicate through all dimensions of our being.

Germen Tung Hiu Hon (Wong Tai Sin, Hong Kong) 

Germen is a University Senator and tutor of The Open University of Hong Kong and is interested in issues related to launching NGO or private enterprises in Hong Kong or China (especially in the areas of education and textile).

Sujit S. Nair (Bangalore, India) 

Sujit is co-founder and vice chair of the British South India Chamber of Commerce. He is an entrepreneur who is passionate about education and enterprise promotion in India.