Fellows Festival 2023

What would the world look like if things went right?

The RSA Fellows Festival is the headline event of our year. The festival took place on 17 June 2023 at RSA House where we celebrated the most optimistic and imaginative new thinking for the future of people, place and planet.

Throughout the day, attendees heard from inspirational changemakers and innovators on the ideas and movements shaping our culture, economy and environment.

The theme of this year's event was:

Imagine – if things go right, what would our world look like? What could go right?

Speakers at this year's Fellows Festival included:

  • Mya-Rose Craig - birder, race activist and environmentalist
  • Sir Partha Dasgupta - author of the Dasgupta Review of the Economics of Biodiversity
  • Jo Swinson - director, Partners for a New Economy
  • and many more.

Check out the complete Fellows Festival agenda.

Join the conversation on Circle

Whether you were here in person, watching online or participating through Circle, we want to keep these discussions going so please do continue to share and inspire each other on Circle.

Meet the Fellows Festival 2023 speakers

Learn about the changemakers who shared their ideas at this years festival

Related Fellows Festival content

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    Design for Life enables people, places, and the planet to flourish in harmony. We do this by uniting people and ideas in collective action to unlock opportunities to regenerate our world.

  • Open RSA knowledge standards


    Alessandra Tombazzi Tom Kenyon

    After investigating ‘knowledge commons’, we're introducing our open RSA standards and what they mean for our practice, products and processes.

  • Investment for inclusive and sustainable growth in cities


    Anna Valero

    Anna Valero highlights a decisive decade for addressing the UK’s longstanding productivity problems, large and persistent inequalities across and within regions, and delivering on net zero commitments.