3D Mapping the current & emerging education/learning system

Fellowship news

  • Education
  • Fellowship

U.lab 2x invite you to an interactive workshop “3D Mapping the Current & Emerging Education / Learning System”, being hosted online, Friday 18 March at 14:00 GMT.

The intention for this session is to look with curiosity and openness at the current and emerging education/learning system, by bringing diverse stakeholders together (from youth, students, teachers, parents, to youth workers, educators & business leaders etc). During this exploratory session we will establish a better shared understanding of how all stakeholders experience current reality integrating multiple perspectives and dimensions by using the 3D Mapping Tool (developed by Presencing Institute, MIT Sloan School of Management).

By the end of the session we will generate:
• A map of the current reality and of the future we are trying to create
• New ways of perceiving blockages, needs and opportunities
• A map of the systemic barriers that keep the system on its current track
• A revised set of driving forces that shape the system you are collectively trying to change, along with core questions and insights into opportunities related to each of them

This session is part of the U.lab 2x - which is a four-month ecosystem transformation accelerator that helps teams to move their prototype ideas toward ecosystem impact. It is designed to help teams, organisations, and larger networks to activate co-creative relationships in their stakeholder systems. Meet the 2022 cohort.

Please register to attend the workshop here.

Ioana Axinta FRSA is the Founder & CEO of ONE Learning App, which aims to make it easy for youth to learn about themselves and the world, develop skills of the future, and showcase their achievements.